Darius Carter

University of Virginia

Darius CarterDarius Carter earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 2017 from the University of Virginia (UVA), where he is a current PhD candidate in mechanical and aerospace engineering (MAE). He is a graduate researcher on near-boundary flow phenomena in unmanned aerial/underwater vehicles and previously served as a research assistant in the Fluid Research and Innovation Laboratory and the Bio-Inspired Engineering Research Laboratory. After earning his PhD, he plans to continue his work with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flight dynamics and experimental rotorcraft analysis. He is presently involved in a variety of service commitments, including the search committee for the dean of UVA Engineering, UVA Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team, Black Graduate and Professional Student Organization (co-president), and National Society of Black Engineers (National Membership Chair 2018-2019). He has tutored UVA athletes, K-12 students, and UVA students taking physics, calculus, statistics and engineering courses. In ascending the academic ladder, he has noticed the rapid dwindling of African American students represented in engineering disciplines. In an effort to combat this trend, he formed three student groups: Link Lab Student Community on Culture and Livability, MAE Graduate Student Board, and Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team. As a future faculty member who promotes an inclusive learning environment, he plans to implement a robust peer-to-peer learning system and a hybrid flipped-classroom model.

Area of Research

Fluid Structure Interaction Unmanned Aerial Vehicles