College of Engineering Faculty Grievances Policy

Issued April 5, 2011, in compliance with University Policy VIII.7.1, Faculty Grievances (UP VIII.7.1), which became effective January 19, 2011. Supersedes Schools of Engineering Grievance Procedure for Academic Personnel dated July 1, 1998.

Informal Grievance Resolution Process

Conflicts frequently can be resolved if the parties involved communicate their concerns, listen to each other, and show a willingness to compromise and/or change. Often conflicts can be lessened, if not eradicated, by clearing up misperceptions and misunderstandings. Faculty members are strongly encouraged to try to take care of their employment-related concerns using the informal processes outlined in the University Policy.

Formal Grievance Resolution Process

If the Grievance is not resolved through the Informal Grievance Resolution Process as outlined in University Policy, an Initiator may seek resolution through the Formal Grievance Resolution Process as specified in UP VIII.7.1, Procedures, Section C, where the Grievance will be heard by a panel drawn from the campus Grievance Hearing Committee comprised as follows:

  • Three to four members selected from each college or school by its voting Faculty.  In instances where a school is a subunit of a college, the requisite number is only required at the college level.
  • All members must be part of the voting Faculty (defined in CoE Bylaws).
  • Members serve three-year, staggered terms.

The College of Engineering will identify faculty to serve o​n the Grievance Hearing Committee through the following process:

  1. A list of eligible engineering faculty members will be prepared by the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) from which names will be randomly generated for service on the Grievance Hearing Committee.  The selection process must be conducted so that not more than one faculty member from a school serves at one time and that faculty members shall not serve more than one term.
  2. The chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) will send memoranda to selected faculty members informing them of their appointments to the Grievance Hearing Committee. The College of Engineering will provide four members and one alternate member.
  3. Members whose terms are complete will be replaced annually during the spring semester by following the aforementioned process, with new terms to commence at the beginning of the fall semester.