College of Engineering Tenure-Track Faculty 3rd year Review and Reappointment Process
Assistant Professors at Purdue University’s College of Engineering are hired under an initial four-year contract and receive annual performance reviews during that time. Following a successful comprehensive school and college level review at the end of the 3rd year, the initial four-year contract is normally renewed for an additional two-year period. This two-year contract extension allows the candidate to be considered for promotion and tenure before the end of their penultimate year of the 7-year probationary period for promotion and tenure.
Engineering schools are required to carry out a comprehensive third year review for all tenure track (TT) Assistant Professors as an opportunity to provide feedback and as an integral part of the mentoring process. To provide a common framework for primary committees to provide their assessment to the Head and the Dean, the 3rd year review and reappointment process is outlined as follows:
- Timeline: The 3rd year review will be conducted at the end of the third year of the probationary period. This timeline will automatically be pushed back by one year for those tenure-track faculty members who are granted a 1-year tenure clock extension at least one semester prior to the 3rd year review. Tenure clock extension approval will follow standard University policy.
- Effective Date: This third-year review process will apply only to tenure-track faculty who come up for the 3rd year review in the spring semester of 2025 and beyond. Faculty who come up for third-year review in the spring semester of 2024 will follow the prior process.
Review Process: each school primary committee (PC) evaluates 3rd year materials by mid- April. Following the discussion of the case, PC members are required to submit an anonymous assessment to the Head via Purdue intranet. A PC member’s assessment of the case should include the following:
- Assessment of performance in research – Exceeds/meets/does not meet expectations at this career stage.
- Assessment of performance in teaching and student mentoring - Exceeds/meets/does not meet expectations at this career stage.
- Assessment of increasing external visibility via external recognitions, invited talks, talks/presentations at key professional society meetings, professional society service etc. – Exceeds/meets/does not meet expectations at this career stage.
- Additional comments to be shared with the candidate (and with Head and Dean/Dean's delegate)
- Additional comments, if needed, to be shared only with Head and Dean/Dean's delegate.
- Documentation needed: (a) 3rd year review materials in any form the school uses (CV or using College P and T template), (b) Primary committee assessment, and (c) 3rd year review summary with Head's recommendation in college template.
- By April 30, Head submits to Dean’s office all evaluation materials, results of PC assessment, along with a Head’s summary and recommendation to renew contract or not, using the college of engineering TT faculty 3rd year review summary (see Appendix).
- During the 1st week of May, on behalf of Dean, the Associate Dean of Faculty convenes all Associate Deans to consider the Head’s recommendation and evaluation materials, to recommend contract renewals/non-renewals to the Dean. As per current University policy, renewal/non-renewal letters are to be issued before the end of Spring semester.
Effective 5/13/24