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CoE student team is No. 1 in Purdue's soybean innovation competition

CoE student team is No. 1 in Purdue's soybean innovation competition

Magazine Section: Our People, Our Culture
College or School: CoE
Article Type: Article
Three engineering students who created a soy-based renewable and recyclable filament for 3D printing called "Filasoy," won first place in Purdue's 20th-annual Student Soybean Product Innovation Contest.

Filasoy replaces harmful petroleum-based plastic with a low-energy, low-temperature, renewable and recyclable filament. It retains similar properties found in a bioplastic with an added "green" twist: It allows printing without waste.

Carmen Valverde-Paniagua, Yanssen Tandy, and Nicole Raley.

Team members are Carmen Valverde-Paniagua of Chihuahua, Mexico, a senior majoring in mechanical engineering; Nicole Raley Devlin of Rockville, Md., a doctoral student in chemical engineering; and Yanssen Tandy of Jarkarta, Indonesia, a senior student in chemical engineering. The team received a $20,000 prize.

For more on the students' winning work, watch this video.
