Multidisciplinary Undergraduate: Mission, Vision, Goals & Objectives


Provide a nurturing environment, tailored engineering programs, and unique interdisciplinary experiences for undergraduate students attracted to study at the interfaces of traditional disciplines and to prepare graduates to become leaders in a rapidly changing and increasingly multidisciplinary engineering profession.


The Multidisciplinary Engineering Program in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University will be recognized as the premier provider of innovative, multidisciplinary undergraduate engineering programs in the world.

Goals and Objectives

The following specific goal for the Multidisciplinary Engineering program complements the goals of the College of Engineering:

Educate engineering leaders who have: command of the engineering fundamentals including experimental, analytical, computational, and design capabilities in a unique interdisciplinary area of engineering; skill in leadership, communication, interpersonal and other professional attributes; and awareness of the scope of the profession and its global opportunities and requirements.

Last Updated November 17, 2017