Submitting an Application: Curriculum Vitae

Submit online a copy of your most current curriculum vitae(CV), which includes a description of your prior employment history and achievements both academic and non-academic.

The School of Engineering Education expects applicants from diverse educational and professional backgrounds. Hence, the structure provided below is a guideline attempting to capture this diversity. We highly recommend that at a minimum your CV includes the items marked with an asterisks (*). 

*Name & Complete Contact Information

*Education Background
Undergraduate: Institution, degree, date of graduation
Graduate (If Applicable): Institution, degree, date of graduation, thesis title, chair

*Work Experience
Employer, position, dates, type of work

Honors and Awards
Name, brief description, date

Licensure, Certification, Registration

Teaching Experience
Institution, position, dates, type of work

Experiences might include:
College or Professional Level

  • Course Instructor - course number, short title, term, and enrollment for each course
  • Teaching Assistant - course number, short title, term, and enrollment for each course
  • Formal or informal tutor
  • Diversity programs and mentoring programs (e.g. Women in Engineering Program, Minority Engineering Program)

K-12 Level

  • Outreach activities
  • Informal classroom or after-school programs
  • Formal classroom teaching

Student and Professional Organizations
Include any leadership roles held and/or committee memberships, dates, description of service to organization.

Grants and Fellowships
Indicate the name of the granting agency, title of the project, amount, and duration of all grants and fellowships received.

Professional Presentations
Applicants, who have been invited to speak or had opportunity to present their work at professional conferences, can include title, co-presenters, location, and date of presentations.

Applicants who have had opportunity to publish their work in print or electronic formats can list their publications. Publications should list the order of authors as they appear in the publication. The exact status of each publication should be noted if the status is ambiguous (e.g. in press, submitted or under editorial review or in progress). Software, multimedia presentations, films or videos, and other scholarly or creative works designed for electronic technologies may also be listed. Following a citation formatting guide such as APA is recommended.

Other Professional Activities
Record professional activities that you consider significant and are directly related to your application to the School of Engineering Education graduate program, and which are not covered elsewhere in curriculum vitae. For example, this could include international activities not listed elsewhere.

Computer Tools and Programming Skills

Last Updated December 3, 2018