Noblesville Area Levee Project

Citizens provides water service to homes and businesses in the eight county Indianapolis area which included Hamilton County. The White River is one of the primary water sources for the Citizens Energy Group. A number of levees and roads have been developed over time by previous property owners, some of which were permitted with the expectation they’d be removed. Citizens has installed drinking water infrastructure in these levees. Due to frequent flooding along the White River, governmental agencies are considering removal of some of these levees to return the floodplain to 1972 conditions.

Comprehensive flood hazard management is an effective way to address flood control issues.  Since some of these levees have been targeted for removal, an evaluation of alternatives and impacts of the removals will be conducted.   The senior design team analysis will include modeling the original and existing systems using HEC-RAS. The analysis will also identify any other constraints that may be contributing to flooding events.

The goal of this project is to model and evaluate two levees along the White River in Noblesville, Indiana, for Citizens Energy Group. These levees were found to be noncompliant with a permit set forth by the Indiana Department of natural Resources and our client has tasked us with evaluating the levees' impact on flooding in the surrounding areas. Citizens has installed drinking water infrastructure of both levees, so removal is not a simple process. The HEC-RAS modelling software is being used to model the current floodplain conditions in conjunction with ArcGIS. Comparing and contrasting our models with historical data will allow us to recommend an appropriate course of action to our client.