Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
Abe-alumni-list | Alumni of the ABE department |
Abe-birs | Biotechnology Innovation and Regulatory Science |
Abe-birs-africa-ms | BioTech Innovation & Reg for Africa MS |
Abe-birs-africa-phd | [no description available] |
Abe-birs-us | [no description available] |
Abe_core | ABE Core Mailing List |
Abeclerical | ABE Clerical Mailing List |
Abedept | ABE Departmental Mailing List (Umbrella) |
Abefaculty | ABE Faculty Mailing List |
Abegradstu | ABE Graduate Student Mailing List |
Abepostdocs | ABE Post Docs |
Aberetirees | Retirees of the ABE department of Purdue University |
Abestaff | ABE Staff Mailing List |
Abestudents | ABE Students Mailing List (Umbrella) |
Abevisitors | ABE Visiting Scholars List |
ACS_faculty | ACS_faculty |
Acubed-people | [no description available] |
Aefreshman | Agricultural Engineering Freshman |
Aejuniors | Agricultural Engineering Juniors |
Aeseniors | Agricultural Engineering Seniors |
Aesophomores | Agricultural Engineering Sophomores |
Aeundergrads | Agricultural Engineering Undergradute Email list |
Aflstaff-list | AFL Staff |
Airco-list | Coral discussion list for Airco |
Alphaepsilon-list | Alpha Epsilon |
Apreosem | Apreo SEM Scifres Birck |
Asmfreshmen | ASM Freshmen Mailing List |
Asmjuniors | ASM Juniors Mailing List |
Asmseniors | ASM Seniors Mailing List |
Asmsophomores | ASM Sophomores Mailing List |
Asmundergrads | ASM Undergrad Mailing List (Umbrella) |
Avsyscom | [no description available] |
Avsyspro | [no description available] |
Befreshman | Biological Engineering Freshman |
Bejuniors | Biological Engineering Juniors Email List |
Beseniors | Biological Engineering Seniors Email List |
Besophomores | Biological Engineering Sophomores Email List |
Beundergrads | Biological Engineering Undergraduates Email List |
BNC-all | BNC members/BRK occupants |
Bnc-faculty-all-list | [no description available] |
Bnc-grads-list | BNC graduate students |
Bnc-tgms-alert-list | [no description available] |
Bnc-tgms-danger | BNC TGMS DANGER ALERT |
Bnc-tgms-maint | BNC TGMS MAINT alert |
Bnc-tgms-warning | TGMS WARNING alert |
Bncnews-list | [no description available] |
Brkeaton | [no description available] |
Cce-all-list | [no description available] |
Cce-assist-prof-list | [no description available] |
Cce-assoc-prof-list | [no description available] |
Cce-cats-list | [no description available] |
Cce-coordinators-list | [no description available] |
Cce-faculty-list | [no description available] |
Cce-graduates-list | [no description available] |
Cce-inltap-list | [no description available] |
Cce-post-docs-list | [no description available] |
Cce-superpave-list | [no description available] |
Cce-undergraduates-list | [no description available] |
Cce-visiting-list | [no description available] |
Cha-list | Coral discussion list for CHA evaporator |
Che-DNP | ChE Distinguished & Named Professors Committee |
CYAN-Lab-List | CYAN Lab |
Degrowthcoffee-list | Degrowth Coffee Hour |
Dhs-pund-cina | [no description available] |
Dpat | [no description available] |
Dpteam | [no description available] |
DrainMan | Agricultural Drainage Management Systems Task Force |
Eabc_class2021 | [no description available] |
Ebo-acctmgmt-list | EBO Account Managers List |
Ece-cnsip-list | cnsip group list |
Ece-corporate-partners | ECE Corporate Partners |
ECE-MNarea | [no description available] |
Ecea-list | ECE Ambassadors |
Ececompegrad-list | [no description available] |
ececompseminar-list | ECE Computer Engineering Seminar Announcements List |
Ececourtesy-list | [no description available] |
Ececspfaculty-list | ECE CSP Faculty Mail List |
Eceesstudent-list | ECE ES Student Mailing List |
ECEimaging | ECE - Ricoh Imaging - for correspondence |
Ecn-mailman-test | [no description available] |
Ecn-student-announcements-list | [no description available] |
Ecuas-list | Elmore Center of UAS |
EEE-student-list | EEE Student List |
Embrio-list | [no description available] |
Ene-courtesy-faculty-list | ENE Courtesy Faculty |
ENEdept-list | ENE Department |
Enegradstu-list | ENE Graduate Students |
Enepostdoc-list | ENE Post Doc's |
ENEstaff-list | ENE Staff Mailing List |
Engineering-150th | Celebrating 150 Years |
Engineeringundergraduateresearchoffice | Undergraduate Research |
Engr-boilerbuzz-list | [no description available] |
Engr_advisors-list | Engineering Advisors Mailing List |
Epics-india | Health for India's Children |
Ese-faculty-list | ESE faculty listserv |
Esw-list | ESW Purdue Mailing List |
Ewag-announce-list | Announcements for the Engineering Web Advancement Group |
Ewb-list | Engineers Without Borders |
Freeform-feedback | How Freeform supports you |
fsoptics-list | Ultrafast Optics email |
Heliosfib-list | Helios FIB 1237 Birck |
Hitachisem-list | Hitachi SEM 1235 Birck |
hwstuds-list | [no description available] |
Imaging-list | Purdue Imaging |
Inltap-cityengineers-list | Inltap City Engineers List |
Inltap-countyengineerssupervisors-list | Inltap County Engineers Supervisors List |
Inltap-streetcommissioners-list | Inltap Street Commissioners List |
IWLA | Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy |
Iwla-alumni | IWLA Alumni |
Jeol8100-list | BNC's JEOL8100 User List |
Jheassced | [no description available] |
Leybold-list | [no description available] |
Lgpf-list | Gilbreth Fellows |
Marinebc-list | Marine Biology Club |
me-acoustic-noise-control-list | [no description available] |
Me-building-research-labs | [no description available] |
me-design-list | [no description available] |
me-high-performance-buildings | [no description available] |
me-human-machines-interactions | [no description available] |
Me-indy-faculty | [no description available] |
Me-indy-grads | [no description available] |
Me-indy-staff | [no description available] |
Me-indy-undergrads | [no description available] |
Me-lab-safety-representititves | ME ISP Lab Safety Reps |
Me309staff | ME309 Staff |
Me509staff | email ME509 staff |
Medifor-integrity | [no description available] |
Medifor-notpi | [no description available] |
Medifor-team | [no description available] |
Micro-team | [no description available] |
Ml-security | Reliability and security in autonomous systems |
mse-bruker-d8-list | Bruker D8 Focus |
Mse-search | [no description available] |
MSE-XRD-Admin | Contact for MSE XRD Admin |
Msefaculty-list | MSE Faculty Mailing List |
Msegradstudent-list | MSE Grad Student Mailing List |
Msepostdoc-list | MSE Post-Docs and Visiting Scholars List |
Msestaff-list | MSE Staff Mailing List |
Mseundergrads-list | MSE Undergrad Mailing List |
Neurofaculty-list | Neuroscience Faculty Mail |
Overhead-sat | [no description available] |
Pem_all | [no description available] |
Pqsei-all | Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute All |
Preabefreshmen | Pre-ABE Freshmen Mailing List |
Preabejuniors | Pre-ABE Junior Mailing List |
Preabeseniors | Pre-ABE Senior Mailing List |
Preabesophomores | Pre-ABE Sophomore Mailing List |
Preabestudents | Pre-ABE Students Mailing List (Umbrella) |
Project-rishi | [no description available] |
PSEF_alumni | PSEF Alumni |
PSEF_exec | PSEF Executive List |
PSEF_expo | PSEF Expo Team List |
PSEF_list | All-PSEF |
PSEF_talk | PSEF General Member List |
pucycling-alumni-list | PCC Alumni coms |
Pucycling-list | This is the Purdue Cycling Club Mailing List |
Puma-blacksmithing | PUMA Blacksmithing group |
Purdue-robotics-water-quality | Byung-Cheol Min |
PurdueAIAA-list | Purdue AIAA members |
PurdueIndia | Purdue-India Partnership |
Pvd_1-list | PVD Ebeam Coral list |
Quantumorg-list | QSO official mailing list |
S-4800-list | Coral discussion list for S-4800 |
S2a2-slc-student-list | S2A2 project student list |
semafor-team | [no description available] |
Stored_products_mg | Stored Products Mail Group |
Syslog | ECN Systems Log |
tada | [no description available] |
Themistem-list | Themis TEM Birck |
Tomato | [no description available] |
vip-help | [no description available] |
Wang3058-list | Users of WANG 3058 Lab |
Wepanawds | [no description available] |
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