MailMan List Request Form

Please fill out the form below to help us create a list for you.

In order to send this form, you will have to log in with your Purdue Career Account username and password.

The public name of this list
(preferred name is NAME-list)
Administrator's email address
Short Description Phrase
Introductory description. Will be included as html at the top of the list info page
Prefix for subject line of list postings
(ie [NAME-list])
List specific text that is appended to new-subscriber messages
Text sent to people leaving the list
Where do replies get directed? ('poster' is strongly recommended)
Where do replies get directed?

Send welcome message?
Send welcome message?
Administrator receives immediate notice of requests as well as the daily ones?
Administrator receives immediate notice of requests as well as the daily ones?
Administrators receive notices of subscribers/unsubscribers?
Administrators receive notices of subscribers/unsubscribers?
Send mail to poster when their mailing is held for approval?
Send mail to poster when their mailing is held for approval?
Advertise this list when people ask which lists are on this machine?
Advertise this list when people ask which lists are on this machine?
Steps required for subscription?
Steps required for subscription?

Who can view the subscription list?
Who can view the subscription list?

Must posts be approved by an admin?
Must posts be approved by an admin?
What to do with non member posts?
What to do with non member posts?

Archive Messages?
Archive Messages?
Archives are public or private?
Archives are public or private?