[vip-help] Lane Detection Optimization Paper

Stevens, William Henry stevenwh at purdue.edu
Sat Jun 8 17:14:24 EDT 2024

Hi IPA mentors,

Would anyone be available to look over the current draft of my paper about the Lane Detection team’s work last semester? I’d like to upload it to arXiv by next weekend and I would really appreciate some professional feedback before doing so. Thank you!


From: Stevens, William Henry <stevenwh at purdue.edu>
Date: Friday, May 17, 2024 at 10:46 PM
To: vip-help at ecn.purdue.edu <vip-help at ecn.purdue.edu>
Subject: Lane Detection Optimization Paper
Hi professors and graduate mentors!

This past semester, I wanted to get some experience writing a more professional paper in addition to our final report, and over the past month or so the team ran some additional code that was meant to test various optimizations to the LaneSegNet architecture we researched. We got some pretty interesting results, and over the past 3 weeks or so I wrote up a draft for a paper that we would like to upload to some unofficial databases online like arXiv.

Would it be possible to some feedback or revisions on the current draft I have? I’m also not very familiar with the right way to format journal articles like this, so some guidance about that would be great too. I would really appreciate it!

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