[vip-help] Concerns about presentation

Roytman, Avigdor aroytman at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 30 14:49:35 EST 2024


Our team just wanted to give a heads up that our group member Kris decided to ignore our chosen topic of the week and instead make slides about "Tensors" and "Inception Score". We tried fixing his slides last presentation since they never align with our format, and then he decided to say the word "Tensor" during the presentation which is one of three words that Professor Delp explicitly told us last semester that we will never say in class. And after warning against presenting on it, he still chose to create slides about "Tensors". We hope you can understand our situation and just wanted to let you know before we present today and get drilled for those slides.

Thank you,
The rest of GAN team
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