[vip-help] GOGS Score

Loiselle, Emily Anna ealoisel at purdue.edu
Wed Feb 14 13:37:26 EST 2024

Thank you for letting me know. It seems that I pushed the things that I worked on in week 2 late.

One other thing, in the feedback announcement you mention that this current feedback is formative, but also that it is an average score for weeks 2-4. Does this mean that even if I improve in my notes to a 2.0 during the rest of the semester, my final grade will be affected by the grades given now or will the final grade only reflect my improvement by the end of the semester?

Thanks again,
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From: Loiselle, Emily Anna
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 12:02:32 PM
To: vip-help at ecn.purdue.edu <vip-help at ecn.purdue.edu>
Subject: GOGS Score

Hello all,
I received a 1.33 git score, and I am a little confused on the reasoning. The comment says that I should at least commit once every week, and after checking gogs, it seems like I have committed at least once every week in between our Tuesday meetings except in the first weeks when we did not have gog accounts. Is the git score mainly based on the number of commits? I know I have made a lot of changes in each of my commits, but is it preferred if I split up my development into more commits?

Thank you for your help,
Emily Loiselle

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