[vip-help] Backend Server

Han, Yue han380 at purdue.edu
Sat Feb 3 16:48:02 EST 2024

Hi Emily,

No problem. The accounts and password will send to your team members in a separate email.

Can you provide their emails to me for creating the accounts?

Yue Han
Ph.D. Candidate
Research Assistant
Video and Image Processing Laboratory (VIPER)
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2035
Telephone: +1 765 637 3729
email: han380 at purdue.edu
URL: https://lorenz.ecn.purdue.edu/~han380/

On Feb 3, 2024, at 16:45, Loiselle, Emily Anna <ealoisel at purdue.edu> wrote:

Some people who received this message don't often get email from ealoisel at purdue.edu<mailto:ealoisel at purdue.edu>. Learn why this is important<https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification>
Hello everyone,
Our resistor team is currently trying to connect our application to a backend server. Would you be able to create accounts for our team (Shivam, Nikhita, and Emily) and reset the passwords for our returning member's accounts (Joseph and Chaeeun)?

Thank you,
Emily Loiselle

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