[vip-help] VIP Final Report GANGenerationDetection Team

Roytman, Avigdor aroytman at purdue.edu
Fri Apr 26 15:34:14 EDT 2024


Here is our team's final report. On behalf of our team, I would like to express concern that we are in the exact same situation as last semester. Every member except for Kris Gurung contributed to this final paper. Beyond this paper, he hasn't showed up to a single group meeting for the first 12 weeks of the semester and would make his own slides completely unrelated to the direction the group was going in. The last 3 weeks of the semester he showed up to our team meetings, did his own work unrelated to the class and then would ask "what slides should I present?" of the ones we created and he did not help with. He put in no effort into the team and made no contribution. Professor Zoltowski was aware of these concerns earlier, but we just wanted to express in writing that we do not believe that he should receive any credit for the work that we did, and he did not contribute to.

Other than that, thank you for a great year of senior design. I learned a lot and will cherish my time spent on this team. Have a great summer!

Thank you,
GAN Boys
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