[vip-help] Buddy Boy Access

Han, Yue han380 at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 19 21:00:04 EDT 2023

Hi Kanav,

We usually create server account based on request, so it does not really related to your absence for week 2 and 3.

Note that the buddy-boy4 is a file server which you can store large dataset and bluepill is a computing server which has GPUs.

Do you need account only on buddy-boy4 now or both machine?

Yue Han
Ph.D. Candidate
Research Assistant
Video and Image Processing Laboratory (VIPER)
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2035
Telephone: +1 765 637 3729
email: han380 at purdue.edu
URL: https://lorenz.ecn.purdue.edu/~han380/

On Sep 19, 2023, at 20:50, Atre, Kanav <katre at purdue.edu> wrote:


This is with regard to the buddy boy server access.

I haven't yet gotten an email for how to login to buddy boy or a username and password.

I wasn't on campus in weeks 2 and 3, which is probably why.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
Kanav Atre

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