[vip-help] Question about ML/AI Internship Likelihood

Luschwitz, Luke Chen lluschwi at purdue.edu
Thu Sep 7 09:30:34 EDT 2023

Hi, my name is Luke Luschwitz's and I'm on the VIP APPS team.

I have a question adjacent to the VIP program: how likely is it I secure a Machine Learning or AI internship in the summer between junior and senior year (undergrad)?

It's recruiting season right now, and I would like to gauge my expectations. I really want an ML/AI internship because that's the field I want to work in.

If looking at my portfolio website helps you answer my question, I will link it here:

Thank you for your time,

Luke Luschwitz
Undergraduate in Computer Science
College of Science
lluschwi at purdue.edu
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