[vip-help] Add to Teams

Zoltowski, Carla B cbz at purdue.edu
Tue Aug 22 23:19:46 EDT 2023

Hi Robert,
I added you to the VIPER VIP Team overall and the instructional team.
From: vip-help <vip-help-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu> on behalf of Robert Thomas Sego <rsego at purdue.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 10:00 PM
To: vip-help at ecn.purdue.edu <vip-help at ecn.purdue.edu>
Subject: [vip-help] Add to Teams

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Good evening,

I have some tutorials and old resources I could upload, but I am not in this year's Teams room, could I be added?

Thanks for your time,

Robert Sego
M.Sc. Computer Engineering
Purdue University
(703) 401-7976
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