[semafor-team] Purdue SemaFor Monthly

Bringle, David (contr-i2o) david.bringle.ctr at darpa.mil
Tue Oct 3 12:20:40 EDT 2023

Hi Ed

Can we move this to next Friday 13OCT?  At 9AM?  Unfortunately all of DARPA
will be engaged in other activities.


David Bringle
(571) 218-4268

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Bringle, David (contr-i2o) 
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2022 8:54 AM
To: Bringle, David (contr-i2o); Corvey, William; anderson.rocha at gmail.com;
Annalisa Verdoliva; Kevin Bowyer; jeffrey.carlo at us.af.mil; Paolo Bestagini;
walter.scheirer at nd.edu; tweninge at nd.edu; semafor-team at ecn.purdue.edu;
dhenriq1 at nd.edu; ace at ecn.purdue.edu; bestagini at gmail.com; Olive, Joseph
(contr-i2o); Stefano Tubaro; SemaFor; McCollum, Eric (contr-i2o)
Cc: wscheire at nd.edu; Henriques Moreira, Daniel
Subject: Purdue SemaFor Monthly
When: Thursday, October 5, 2023 9:00 AM-10:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time
(US & Canada).

David Bringle is inviting you to a scheduled ZoomGov meeting.
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