[S-4800-list] LN - Please Read

Sammy Saber ssaber at purdue.edu
Wed May 14 23:53:06 EDT 2014


I came in this evening to use the Titan and I needed some LN. However, when
I went to the dewer to refill my container, the knob was VERY tight. I had
to crank on it for about 5 minutes until I finally got it open.

Please remember, you only need to turn the knob to near FINGER TIGHTNESS.
If LN stops flowing, you don't have to keep turning the valve. It will
damage it and require replacement. And, if you're caught then you'll get
fined for the damaged valve.

Please be a good citizen when using LN. I can't believe I have to send out
emails like this. Just please pay attention when using the LN so that
everyone can use it easily.

Sammy Saber
Ph.D. Candidate
Purdue University
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