msepostdoc-list FW: 2024 Bahr Crawl Shirt Order

Contreras, Joshua Andres contreja at
Wed May 1 07:46:59 EDT 2024

Hi All,

I thought I would forward this on to faculty, staff, and postdocs.
I mean who couldn't use a shirt with Bahr's name on it right?!
Please see details below via previous email.

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Thank you
Josh Contreras
Administrative Assistant
School of Materials Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
Office: 765-494-4100

From: Msegradstudent-list <msegradstudent-list-bounces at> On Behalf Of Materials Science and Engineering Graduate St Assoc
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 9:52 PM
To: msegradstudent-list at
Subject: [msegradstudent-list] 2024 Bahr Crawl Shirt Order

Hey MSE Grad Students,

In addition to the keg race this week (Thursday 4 pm, check our previous email for more details), we will once again be joining our undergraduate counterparts for the MSE Ba(h)r Crawl! We're waiting on a few more details from the seniors, but they have chosen next Thursday May 9th as the date. Start time and location to come!

The seniors have designed a t-shirt specifically for this event so we can all rep our department together! Please see the link below if you are interested in purchasing one of the shirts, and there are more details (including price and pick-up method) contained in the form. As we are on a tight timeline, you must complete this form by Wednesday May 1st if you want to receive your shirt in time.<>

We hope to see you at one or both of these events to celebrate our graduating seniors and the end of another semester! Also let this serve as a reminder to join our discord to stay up to date with department events!<>

MSE Graduate Student Association
MSEGSA at<mailto:MSEGSA at>

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