msepostdoc-list FW: Loud Research in ARMS (July 30th & 31st)

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Tue Jul 23 13:27:28 EDT 2024

Forwarding on behalf of Phil Qualio, ARMS Building Deputy:


Please see the message below regarding loud research taking place on the east side of Armstrong Hall, specifically near B191, 1261, 2191, and 3191.

These activities will be occurring between the evening hours of 7:00pm and 11:00pm, Tuesday, July 30th and Wednesday, July 31st.

We appreciate everyone's cooperation. Please alert all who may be in the building during this time.


Phil Qualio
Building Deputy
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
o: 765-496-9757

    I write to alert you to some loud noises that we will create in Armstrong Hall on the evenings of July 30 and 31.

    You may know that there is a "drop tower" in the eastern end of Neil Armstrong Hall.  We usually use this facility to get 2 seconds of weightlessness for zero-gravity fluids research. The tower has been idle since 2020 for remodeling - first COVID delayed our progress and then other research tasks took up my time.  But with the tower in a partly-dismantled state, it is an ideal testing facility for Purdue colleagues in Aviation Technology.  They are studying crashworthiness of aircraft fuel tanks.  So unlike my research, their work will have big, loud, crashes of fuel tanks partly filled with water when dropped from the third floor down to the basement.   A few shorter (and thus, quieter) drops have already been made and now we're ready for the most energetic crash tests.

   We don't wish to startle or alarm anyone with our sudden loud noises.  Tuesday July 30 and Wednesday July 31 from 7pm to 11pm we, plus research sponsors from the Federal Aviation Administration, will be making about a dozen drops each evening.  I will post signs on hallway doors in the eastern end of Armstrong Hall next week to remind people, again, to try to avoid startling people.  The conference room at the easternmost end of the basement will be a difficult place to try to meet or work these two evenings, I do apologize.  We've scheduled the testing for evenings so that fewer people are working in the building when we do these loud drops.

    I am available to answer your questions, please send me an email.

Thank you in advance for tolerating our loud research over just two evenings,
Steven Collicott
collicott at<mailto:collicott at>
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