msepostdoc-list Access to correct 2023 1095 Tax Forms

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Fri Feb 23 10:20:12 EST 2024

Pertaining to the earlier Purdue HR message regarding incorrect '2023 1095 Tax Forms' sent to Purdue employees, please see information below instructing you how to access the corrected form electronically.  Note, the corrected forms will be mailed to you in the next 7-10 days, but you can access online if needed earlier.

Lisa Stacey
Lead Administrative Assistant
School of Materials Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
o: 765-494-4095   f: 765-494-1204

1095 tax documents mailed with wrong data:

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February 23, 2024

1095 tax documents mailed with wrong data

HR-Benefits has learned that the 1095 tax documents that were mailed out to faculty and staff are not correct. An error occurred and the data on those printed and mailed versions shows data from 2022 instead of 2023.

Please Note: The data that was reported from Purdue to the IRS was reported accurately. New documents will be mailed out to employee homes and should be received within the next 7 - 10 days.

In the meantime, correct documents are available electronically in Benefitfocus and can be printed from there following these steps:

  *   Log in to BenefitFocus via the OneCampus portal<>
  *   Select "Benefits" in the upper right corner
  *   Under "Benefit Reports," select 1095 tax documents
  *   Select "download" to print or save to your computer
These documents are not required to be able to file tax returns but should be kept with your tax records.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue. Please contact hr at<mailto:hr at> with additional questions.


HR Benefits, hr at<mailto:hr at>

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