msepostdoc-list FW: Pal 3.0 in ARMS Interference PLEASE READ

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Mon Nov 6 11:22:05 EST 2023

Forwarding on behalf of Mason Wilson, ECN regarding interference with the Pal 3.0 Wi-Fi in ARMS - PLEASE READ, and act accordingly if applicable to you.  Please contact ECN with any questions.

Thank you,

Lisa Stacey
Lead Administrative Assistant
School of Materials Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
o: 765-494-4095   f: 765-494-1204

-----Original Message-----
MSE Faculty, Staff, and Students:

We have been notified of poor performance of PAL 3.0 in Armstrong and did a survey of the building. We found the following Non-Enterprise Access Points that could be interfering with the signal, but do not know who they belong to:

COWL - Managed
CB Tab
CJM Office

If you manage a device on this list and it is no longer needed, we ask that it be turned off. If it needs to be used, we ask that you adjust the settings listed on the following site to prevent interference with all other wireless signals in the nearby area:

Thank you for your help.

Mason Wilson
Manager - Purdue IT/ECN User Services

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