msepostdoc-list Purdue's New Email Filtration Update

Maddison DeLaney Walsh mhoverm at
Mon Jun 5 16:52:53 EDT 2023

Hello MSE Department,
Purdue has pushed out a new email filtering system to help clean up your inbox. Unfortunately, this did not come without some bugs in the system. Please check your 'Junk' folder going forward to see if any emails are not making their way into your regular inbox. Most of these will be spam emails (coupons, restaurant reminders, etc.) but there have been cases of important external emails finding their way into the 'Junk' folder. For those of you who use another email system to pull in your Purdue Email, I would also suggest looking in your 'Spam' or 'Junk' folders for emails. You can submit a ticket to ECN if you are still having issues.


Maddi Walsh
Administrative Assistant
School of Materials Engineering

Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
Office: 765-496-0460
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