msepostdoc-list FW: [Gradcontacts] Grad Student, Faculty, and Postdoc Mentoring Opportunity Reminder!

Morgan, Yuan-Yu Karen ymorgan at
Wed Oct 12 15:51:52 EDT 2022

A friendly reminder from the Graduate School.

There are only 2 days left to register for "The Dark Side of Development: When Mentoring is Problematic and What to Do About it."
Don't miss out on this opportunity to interact with mentoring expert, Dr. Erin Dolan!

Graduate Students, Faculty, & Postdocs Seminar:

The Dark Side of Development: When Mentoring is Problematic and What to Do About It<>

October 14th | 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

This seminar is presented by Dr. Erin Dolan, a professor of biochemistry & molecular biology and Georgia Athletic Association Professor of Innovative Science Education at the University of Georgia. Erin studies the career development and decision-making of undergraduate and graduate life science students in the context of research experiences and research training. With funding from the National Science Foundation, her group is working to delineate the features of research experiences that influence students' career trajectories, develop measurement tools for studying undergraduate and graduate research experiences and mentorship, and promote change toward more effective and inclusive undergraduate and graduate education. She served on the National Academies consensus committee on mentoring in STEMM, which produced evidence-based recommendations for improving undergraduate and graduate mentorship.

Please Note: You must have a GoSignMeUp account to register for these free workshops. Step-by-step instructions for creating this account are attached. If you have any questions, please email profdev at<mailto:profdev at>.

Thank You!
Andrea Ruiz
Communications Specialist
The Graduate School

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