msepostdoc-list Reminder: Mentoring Training Opportunities

Morgan, Yuan-Yu Karen ymorgan at
Thu Oct 6 10:39:38 EDT 2022

Dear All,

Below are Graduate Schools’ events.

Boiler Up! 😊

Yuan-Yu Karen Morgan,Ph.D.
Academic Advisor-Graduate Program
School of Materials Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering, Room 2201A
ymorgan at<mailto:ymorgan at>

The Graduate School is bringing theoretically grounded, evidence-based, and culturally responsive mentorship training opportunities to Purdue faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. You can learn more about our upcoming mentoring events and workshops below.

Graduate Students, Faculty, & Postdocs Seminar:

The Dark Side of Development: When Mentoring is Problematic and What to Do About It<>

October 14th | 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

This seminar is presented by Dr. Erin Dolan, a professor of biochemistry & molecular biology and Georgia Athletic Association Professor of Innovative Science Education at the University of Georgia. Erin studies the career development and decision-making of undergraduate and graduate life science students in the context of research experiences and research training. With funding from the National Science Foundation, her group is working to delineate the features of research experiences that influence students’ career trajectories, develop measurement tools for studying undergraduate and graduate research experiences and mentorship, and promote change toward more effective and inclusive undergraduate and graduate education. She served on the National Academies consensus committee on mentoring in STEMM, which produced evidence-based recommendations for improving undergraduate and graduate mentorship.

Faculty & Postdoc Exclusive Workshops:

Mentoring Graduate Writers<>

October 25th | 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

A good deal of research indicates that mentoring graduate students on their writing is fraught with problems. This initial workshop will share a range of best practices around mentoring and writing in the disciplines, with the hope of making mentoring graduate writers more empowered, effective, and sustainable. Participants will learn strategies for sound response and receive materials to take away and study. Depending on faculty interest, additional workshops will be scheduled to address needs that arise during the conversation. This workshop is for faculty and postdocs only.

Mentoring and the Dissertation Process<>

November 1st | 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Among the most consequential documents that writers produce in graduate school is the dissertation. Strong mentoring at specific critical junctures in the dissertation process can strengthen both the document itself and graduate students’ abilities to later support their own graduate students. Unfortunately, most faculty receive little to no training about the writing instruction central to the dissertation process, from invention to final deposit. Instead, they rely upon their own experiences producing a doctoral thesis, which might have been problematic and trauma producing or wonderful yet still mystifying. This workshop incorporates current research on graduate student writing and builds on insights about graduate student struggles that the Writing Lab gains through working with dissertation writers. Faculty will be offered actionable strategies for helping dissertation writers be more effective. The workshop also will offer faculty mentors guidance on when and how to direct their students to the Writing Lab for intensive and on-going support. This workshop is for faculty and postdocs only.

Please Note: You must have a GoSignMeUp account to register for these free workshops. Step-by-step instructions for creating this account are attached. If you have any questions, please email profdev at<mailto:profdev at>.

Thank you!
Andrea Ruiz
Communications Specialist
The Graduate School

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