msepostdoc-list MSE Safety & Equipment Newsletter for November/December 2022

Erk, Kendra A erk at
Fri Nov 18 15:02:16 EST 2022

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MSE Safety & Equipment Newsletter for November/December 2022

**** Important Upcoming Dates ****

  *   November 23-25: Thanksgiving Break - no classes and, as such, MSE 499 and MSE 430 students are not permitted to work in the lab during this timeframe.
  *   December 17: The last day that MSE 499 and MSE 430 students are permitted to work in the labs until spring semester resumes on January 9.
  *   December 23 through January 2: Winter Recess - administrative, faculty, and technical staff will not be available. MSE personnel should exercise additional caution and use the buddy system for lab activities that need to take place during this time period.
**** Safety Best Practices: Wintertime Safety ****
With winter approaching, it is good to be aware and prepared for cold temperatures and extreme weather conditions. Make sure that you have a solid set of winter gear. Gloves and a warm hat are a must. Dress in multiple layers, at least three on the coldest days: a base layer, an insulating layer, and an outer shell layer. For working and playing outdoors, avoid 100% cotton clothing as it will absorb water & sweat and remove heat from your body. Opt instead for something with better "wicking" action like synthetic fleece or wool. For footwear, get sturdy shoes or boots that provide traction on ice and snow. And if driving someplace, find out about the driving conditions before leaving home. From the Indiana Dept. of Transportation (INDOT): "Safe drivers know the weather, and their limits. If the weather is bad, remember, Ice and Snow, Take it Slow, or just don't go."

  *   LHSFNA best layers & materials for winter gear<>
  *   ISU winter walking tips<>
  *   INDOT winter driving tips<>
  *   INDOT winter operations links<> (real-time road conditions, etc)
[Safe Winter Walking - be safe when walking on stairs.]
[ISU safe walking poster<>]

*** And let's not forget about personal health and safety... ***
The end of the semester brings excitement for winter recess and the new year mixed with the stress and gloom of less daylight and more deadlines. Here are a collection of links which may be helpful:

  *   Purdue's safe walk program<> (24/7 escorts to/from campus buildings): call 765-494-SAFE (7233)
  *   Purdue links to report a safety concern or incident<>, including "Student of Concern" reporting
  *   Office of Graduate Assistance<>, including Ombuds
  *   Purdue's Mental & Emotional Health<> services
  *   Purdue University Student Health (PUSH<>) service, including CAPS<>
  *   ZooBorns:
  *   And it's not too late to get a flu shot<> or COVID booster<>.
*** Flood Awareness & Campus Reporting ***
The change in weather brings freeze-thaw cycling and the potential for flooding from broken waterlines. While uncommon, this has happened before in MSE lab and office spaces. To report a major flood on campus, call Purdue Police Dispatch Center at 765-494-8221. This includes floods involving standing water, actively running water, and outdoor water flowing from the ground. For smaller visible floods, contact the laboratory supervisor or MSE staff (contact info. posted on all lab doors). For other flood-related questions or concerns, such as stained ceiling tiles and bubbling paint on walls, contact Ryan Tyson at REM (765-426-7916, tysonr at<mailto:tysonr at>).

*** Prescription Safety Glasses ***
With the holidays approaching, perhaps it is time to enhance your PPE and purchase some prescription safety glasses! Prescription eyewear that is impact resistant with side shields is available for you to purchase from a variety of places, including online through Stoggles<> and from your local eye doctor, including Evans, Piggot, & Finney<> in the Purdue Memorial Union.

*** Staff Changes ***
Let's all congratulate Talukder Alam on his new position as a research scientist for new Purdue's Electron Microscopy Center. While Talukder no longer directly works for MSE, he will continue to manage our Quanta 650 SEM in ARMS B218. Researchers can continue to request equipment training through iLab:

**** PUMA Updates ****
Thank you to all who came out to the PUMA Lab Cleaning days this semester! They were a great success, and we'll be having more in the spring so stay tuned! - Cameron Hillsman
[cid:image004.jpg at 01D8FB5E.BF0D09F0]
[Wacky winter drivers<>, by Dave Granlund]

**** Reminder: ARMS 2130/2132/2136 First Friday Clean-Ups ****
The MSE Safety Committee in consultation with REM facilitates monthly clean-up sessions for the Sample Prep / Polishing / Microscopy lab spaces in ARMS (ARMS 2136, 2132, and 2130).  All active lab users of these spaces are required to help with 2 clean-up sessions per year, which take place on the first Friday of every month from 3-4 pm. The next cleaning session will be Friday, December 2. To sign-up for this session or any future session, please click here:
**** Reminder: Equipment Reporting ****
If you encounter a piece of broken equipment, or have any questions about a specific piece of equipment, you should contact a member of the MSE Technical Staff:

  *   For sample prep (i.e., saws, grinding wheels) equipment: Tim VanMeter<mailto:tcvanmet at>
  *   For mechanical testing equipment and general use equipment checklist suggestions: Jenni Fifer<mailto:fiferj at>
  *   For SEM: Talukder Alam<mailto:alam18 at>
  *   For characterization equipment, scan the QR code.
**** Important Links and Contact Information ****

  *   For general safety questions, concerns, and lab access issues: mse-safety at<mailto:mse-safety at> or speak directly to MSE Safety Officer Jenni Fifer<mailto:fiferj at> (ARMS 2207)
  *   Equipment/Safety/Consumables Reporting Form<>
  *   Purdue REM Researcher's Guide<>
  *   REM Waste Pick-Up Survey<>
  *   ARMS general safety information<>
  *   Purdue links to report a safety concern or incident<>, including "Student of Concern" reporting
  *   Purdue Police Non-Emergency: (765) 494-8221
  *   Purdue Fire Non-Emergency: (765) 494-6919
  *   Purdue REM Non-Emergency: (765) 494-6371
  *   For all emergencies, dial 911.

Thanks for reading everyone!
Prof. Erk, Jenni, and the MSE Safety Committee

Kendra A. Erk
Associate Professor of Materials Engineering
Purdue University

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