msepostdoc-list Blue Origin hiring alloy development engineers

Morgan, Yuan-Yu Karen ymorgan at
Thu Jun 30 11:59:23 EDT 2022

Dear MSE Grad Students and Postdocs,

Please read the forwarded message from Dr. Chung.  If qualified and interested, you can contact Prof. Chung directly.

Boiler Up,
Dr. Morgan

Blue Origin is expanding its alloy development effort. I am looking to hire masters, PhD graduates, post-docs and professionals with experience in alloy development. If you know anyone who may be interested in developing alloy and processes for future space flight applications, please help me share the job listing. This is a particularly exciting time to be working on materials for the space flight sector. For anyone interested, have them contact me directly. I will be happy to share the details of the role. As with most aerospace job, US citizen or permanent residency is required.

Tony Chung, Ph.D.
Materials and Processes Engineer,
Engines M&P
(O) (253) 437-9300 x15997
(M) (765) 491-9045
View my wiki profile<>

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