msepostdoc-list REMINDER: New MSE Server - Downtime June 14/15

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Mon Jun 13 08:45:36 EDT 2022

REMINDER:  As we received no objections to the MSE Server Upgrade Downtime of 11 pm, T 6/14 - 7 am, W 6/15, ECN is prepared to move forward as scheduled.

You should not need to do anything special after the upgrade.


ECN is planning to upgrade to the new Materials server next Tuesday June 14th. Between the hours of 11PM on Tuesday and 7AM Wednesday June 15th, the Materials server will be unavailable. This means there will be an outage of ECN email, ECN home servers, share drives, and logging into ECN computers during this time.  Please plan accordingly.

If you have any conflicts where you or your research group will need to run ECN computers either remotely, in office, or labs, that cannot be rescheduled, please let me know as soon as possible so we can work with ECN to rearrange the scheduled outage.

Thank you,

Lisa Stacey
Administrative Assistant to the Department Head School of Materials Engineering Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
o: 765-494-4095   f: 765-494-1204

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