msepostdoc-list FW: Change to Armstrong Hall Building Hours 8/31/22

Jennifer Louise Fifer fiferj at
Fri Aug 26 12:43:26 EDT 2022

Hi MSE students and researchers,

Due to some safety concerns expressed by the College of Engineering, COE buildings are slowly transitioning from 24hr access to 6am-11pm access. ARMS will be starting this schedule next Wednesday. Approved students are able to use the card swipe on the atrium to access the building after hours. COE left the definition of "approved students" up to the departments/lab admins so I gave all MSE students and post-docs card access. If you are someone who frequently is in ARMS at night, please double check that you are able to swipe into the atrium. Please also remember not to swipe strangers into the building at night.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns and be sure to watch out for other emails regarding the transition of other COE buildings that you may work in.

Best Regards,

Jenni Fifer, MS
Safety & Mechanical Testing Lab Tech
Materials Science & Engineering
Purdue University
fiferj at<mailto:fiferj at>

From: Qualio, Phillip H <pqualio at<mailto:pqualio at>>
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2022 9:57 AM
Subject: Change to Armstrong Hall Building Hours 8/31/22
Importance: High

Good morning,

I hope everyone's semester is off to a great start! There is news regarding a change to our building hours, at the request of the University.

Beginning Wednesday, August 31st, all ARMS entrances will UNLOCK at 6:00-AM and LOCK at 11:00-PM, 7-days a week.

After-hours access for faculty, staff and approved students will be via the card reader located at the south atrium entrance.

Armstrong Hall Hours

You are encouraged to distribute this information to the appropriate personnel. A second notice will be sent Tuesday as a reminder.

Thank you,

Phil Qualio
Building Deputy
College of Engineering

Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
Potter Engineering Center
o: 765-496-9757
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