msepostdoc-list Reminder: STEM as Art Gallery - Images Due This Friday

Davis, Chelsea S chelsea at
Tue Apr 26 13:55:48 EDT 2022


The first annual SHINE Exhibit (SHowcasing Images in Nature and Engineering) will be held in the Robert L. Ringel Gallery in the Stewart Center July 1 - August 1, 2022. This STEM as Art exhibit will highlight the beauty that can be found in science and engineering research. If you have captured an image during the course of your research that you would like to have considered for inclusion in SHINE, please visit to learn more and submit your images.

We are excited to feature optical, electron, and atomic force micrographs, photos of unique macroscopic phenomena, and computational results that are aesthetically pleasing or interesting. The gallery will be visited by summer students, faculty, and other visitors to Purdue's campus during July.

SHINE is supported by the National Science Foundation CMMI CAREER Grant #2045908 in collaboration with Purdue Galleries.

Please let me know if you have any questions and share this solicitation with others. We look forward to seeing the great images that the Purdue research community has in store for us.


Prof. Chelsea Davis

Chelsea Davis, Ph.D.<>
Assistant Professor
School of Materials Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering (by Courtesy)
Purdue University

Zoom Personal Meeting Room
Tel: (765) 494-9216<tel:(765)%20494-9216>
Twitter: @ChelseaDavisLab<>

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