msepostdoc-list REMINDER: Preliminary Exam Seminar of Matthew Binkley, Oct 22, Friday at 12:30 pm

Morgan, Yuan-Yu Karen ymorgan at
Thu Oct 21 13:01:40 EDT 2021

Please consider attending this seminar:

"The Influence of Pore Characteristics on the Impact of Pores on Mechanical Properties of Castings"


Matthew Binkley
Purdue MSE Preliminary Exam

Advisor: Professor Matthew Krane and Professor Kevin Trumble


Porosity has been a problem for mechanical properties since castings have become common use in structure components.  Historically, research has been focused on the removal of porosity by control of alloying elements, casting conditions, or post-processing.  But as castings have become more complex, pores inevitably still make it into the final products due to casting or post-processing limitations.  It is well known that porosity is detrimental but there has been little research in the quantification of this impact.  Pores exist within a microstructure that will respond differently to their existence based on its experienced process and varies by alloy.  This makes it difficult to create a defect measurement parameter without a level of control on microstructure and porosity properties.  Focusing expressly on the pores themselves, historically, the bulk % porosity has been used to predict the reduction of mechanical properties.  This method has been shown to act better as a guide instead of a measurement of change in mechanical properties as it has been shown to overestimate the effects of porosity on tensile properties and can have multiple orders of magnitude variation for fatigue failure.  This variation has shown that the actual forms of the pores themselves matter in their impact.  The size and location of individual pores can impact interaction between the pores or surfaces, the shape of the pores can create higher stress concentrations when deviating from spherical, and the distribution of the pores can cause high-porosity zones to have complete failure while a nearby fully dense region will not have any signs of weakness.  Despite these broad understandings of porosity, there has been little focus in a systematic understanding of these impacts on the mechanical properties for predictive purposes.

Date: Oct 22, 2021

Time: 12:30 PM
ARMS 1109    Or WebEx:

Yuan-Yu Karen Morgan,Ph.D.
Academic Advisor-Graduate Program
School of Materials Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering, Room 2217
ymorgan at<mailto:ymorgan at>

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