msepostdoc-list FW: Nominate Grad Student or Post Doc Mentors

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Tue Mar 16 15:27:06 EDT 2021

Please see following message from the Graduate School to nominate Grad Students or Postdocs for the Grad School's Mentoring Award (anyone can nominate).


Lisa Stacey
Administrative Assistant to the Department Head
School of Materials Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
o: 765-494-4095   f: 765-494-1204

If you know an outstanding postdoc or graduate student who has mentored others, nominate them for the Graduate School's Mentoring Award! The nomination includes a short 250-500 word letter. The Grad School will accept multiple nominations of the same individual. Collaboration on letters is also welcome. Nominations can come from anyone (e.g., staff, faculty, undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs). Learn more and make a nomination by 5:00 p.m. EST March 25, 2021:

Postdocs who have been exceptional mentors:

Graduate students who have been exceptional mentors:

Questions? Contact Associate Dean, Melanie Morgan, (morgan3 at<mailto:morgan3 at>) at the Graduate School.

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