msepostdoc-list Fw: Request to advertise: "Career Successes, Surprises, and Pitfalls - The Transition from Academia to Industry"

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Mon Feb 15 16:10:55 EST 2021

From: Inamdar, Amruta A <ainamda at>
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2021 4:03 PM
Subject: Request to advertise: "Career Successes, Surprises, and Pitfalls - The Transition from Academia to Industry"

Good afternoon,

Sincere apologies that I’m resending this but I forgot to include the date and time of the event in the previous email! (Friday, March 5 at 10 a.m.)

I request you to advertise this presentation to the PhD students and postdocs in your department, and encourage them to register. The presenters are Beverly and Dr. Ray Mentzer who, between them, have over 60 years of experience at ExxonMobil. This presentation is most applicable to individuals in STEM fields --- but all are welcome to attend so feel free to share this opportunity with folks at Purdue. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

"Career Successes, Surprises, and Pitfalls - The Transition from Academia to Industry"

PhD students and postdocs, attend this presentation to learn:

  *   What skills do you need to succeed in industry?
  *   How do you best utilize your technical expertise?
  *   Which behaviors might inhibit your success?

Date: Friday, March 5

Time: 10 a.m.

Beverly and Dr. Ray Mentzer have over 60 years of experience between the two of them. Bev Mentzer retired as Vice President, ExxonMobil, after working in both domestic & international engineering and managerial positions, and leading engineers, geoscientists and onsite operations staff in US onshore and offshore oil & gas operations. Dr. Ray Mentzer worked in oil & gas operations, project design, financial planning and public affairs, taught at TAMU, and is the Executive Director of the Purdue Process Safety & Assurance Center.

Register to attend<>. The Zoom link will be shared with the RSVP list on the morning of the presentation.

Please direct questions about this presentation to me.



[pronounced: umm-roo-taa]


Amruta Inamdar, PhD

she, her, hers

Senior Career Services Consultant – Graduate Student Specialist

Purdue Center for Career Opportunities

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