msepostdoc-list PASS Outage - Friday, 02/05

Ku Blanco, Aury Y akublanc at
Fri Feb 5 10:05:52 EST 2021

Hi all,

We are having some technical issues at the PASS site this morning.

In the meantime we ask your help in keeping each other safe:

  *   Keep labs at/or under capacity
  *   Wear your mask and safety glasses regularly
  *   Keep a 6 ft distance and wear a face shield if sharing a space

Please stop by the ARMS 2300 reception if you are in need of a shield or glasses.

Thank you,
Aury Ku
Administrative Assistant
School of Materials Engineering

Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
701 West Stadium Ave
West Lafayette, IN 47907
o: 765-494-4100   f: 765-494-1204
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