msepostdoc-list Important Message from Dave Carmichael re Phishing. Please Read

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Mon Sep 7 11:08:51 EDT 2020

Dear Faculty and Staff,

There has been a spike in scam emails going out late in the week with words like “Do you have a minute?” or “Can you send me your cell, I need to send you a text”

These typically look like they’re coming from your supervisor, but have a completely made up email address… eg: Mitch Daniels < at< at>>

Once contact has been established, the typical ask is for a gift card to be purchased and the number sent along.

Please do not fall for such emails. Your supervisors would not ask you to purchase a gift card for them. Confirm this with an independent email (not a reply-to), or better still, a phone call.

Scammers are taking advantage of our increased workloads, stress and distractions to catch us in a moment of indecision - be aware and vigilant.

Just be aware that I do not typically need anyone else to purchase a gift card for me.

Also, for additional information you can read this:


Dave Carmichael - Executive Director

Purdue - Engineering Computer Network

 V:            765.494.3546

E: carmicha at<mailto:carmicha at>

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