msepostdoc-list Fw: [Gradcontacts] CCO professional development workshops: Sep. 8, 9, and 10

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Mon Sep 7 09:14:27 EDT 2020

September 8 at 4:00 p.m. --- “LinkedIn”

Register online here:

Attend this Webex presentation for an overview of the major features of LinkedIn, and ensure that you’re making the most of this useful resource during the age of physical distancing! There will be time at the end for audience questions.

This presentation is part of Purdue CCO’s series for graduate students; postdocs are most welcome to attend. We hope this series will provide an overview of core career skills, and encourage individuals to follow up with the CCO for one-on-one career planning.

September 9 at 4:00 p.m. --- “Virtual Career Fairs”

Register online here:

Attend this Webex presentation for some insights into attending virtual career fairs. Attendees will receive links to tutorials on various career fair platforms, and there will be plenty of time for audience questions.

This presentation is part of Purdue CCO’s series for graduate students; postdocs are most welcome to attend. We hope this series will provide an overview of core career skills, and encourage individuals to follow up with the CCO for one-on-one career planning.

September 10 at 4:00 p.m. --- “Cover letter basics”

Register online here:

Attend this Webex presentation to learn the fundamentals of writing a professional and compelling cover letter. Attendees will get an overview of writing letters for academic as well as industry and nonprofit positions. There will be time at the end for audience questions.

This presentation is part of Purdue CCO’s series for graduate students; postdocs are most welcome to attend. We hope this series will provide an overview of core career skills, and encourage individuals to follow up with the CCO for one-on-one career planning.

Thank you,


[pronounced: umm-roo-taa]


Amruta Inamdar, PhD

she, her, hers

Senior Career Services Consultant – Graduate Student Specialist

Purdue Center for Career Opportunities
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