msepostdoc-list Mailboxes

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Tue Nov 17 16:35:44 EST 2020

Good Afternoon,

Just a reminder, if you're in or near ARMS, please remember to stop by and check your mailboxes in case there is anything important you've missed.  Several of you have been receiving mail, some from insurance, procurement, etc.  It would be a good idea to check before you leave for the holidays if you're not going to be on campus.  If you are located at a different building and want us to forward your mail, please let Cathy, Aury, and me know.

In addition, there are large buckets of sanitizing wipes, supplied by the custodial crew available to please clean surfaces in conference rooms, or your rotational office spaces after use.  A large bucket has been placed down near the business office in the grad office hall.  If they need replenished, please let us know.

Thank you,

Lisa Stacey
Administrative Assistant to the Department Head
School of Materials Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
o: 765-494-4095   f: 765-494-1204

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