msepostdoc-list Korey Dissertation Defense - Digital Attendance Available

Matthew N Korey mkorey at
Wed Mar 11 11:13:03 EDT 2020

Hey MSE Family,

So for those of you that are unaware – I’m defending my dissertation tomorrow (yay!).  However, Purdue is also moving to digital classes beginning March 23rd.  I wanted to work to accommodate as many people as possible who may wish to attend during this in-between time.

We are hosting the in-person open door presentation tomorrow morning as planned and will be providing snacks and coffee for those who are attending (9am – ARMS B071). However, I also wanted to let everyone know that – for those who may be on the (de)fence about attending - we will additionally be hosting a webex meeting.  I can’t promise webex will work without a hitch, but I will do my best to make sure we can accommodate everyone.

Webex info is below:

Matthew N Korey invites you to join this Webex meeting.

Meeting number (access code): 641 858 782

Meeting password: PVi73MXQFF9

Thursday, March 12, 2020
8:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  2 hrs

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You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join using Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business
Dial 641858782.purdue at<%20sip:641858782.purdue at>


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