msepostdoc-list FW: Fall Reopen Town Hall on 6/17 2:30-4 pm

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Mon Jun 15 11:24:14 EDT 2020

Forwarding on behalf of Eric Kvam - Thank You:

Lisa Stacey
Administrative Assistant to the Department Head
School of Materials Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
o: 765-494-4095   f: 765-494-1204


Dear Senators,

Thank you for your emails, question submissions, and survey responses. We are writing today to encourage you to reach out to the faculty, graduate students, and staff members in your units to remind them of our second Town Hall on 17 JUNE 2020 from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm.

In this second town hall, we will address the two themes that we were unable to cover during the first town hall: teaching responsibilities in the fall and support for working remotely. Next, we will engage in an extended Q&A session where your questions, concerns, and ideas, particularly those submitted during the last town hall, will be used to structure the discussion. It is our intent to keep the town hall focused on what you are most concerned about and less on extended presentations. At present, there is an online question box<> for you to continue to submit your questions and concerns. The captioned recording of the first town hall<> is also available online.

Another survey will be distributed after this second town hall to determine what questions and concerns you continue to have as we move forward through the summer.

This town hall will be live-streamed, closed captioned, and recorded for those who cannot attend. We will continue to schedule additional town halls as needed. The link will be available on the Senate's web site<>.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to facilitating an even more effective discussion among faculty, staff, students, and administration.


Deborah L. Nichols, Ph.D.

Chair, Purdue University Senate

Associate Professor
Human Development and Family Studies | College of Health and Human Sciences

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