msepostdoc-list Another Phishing/Spam Email re 'Payroll Schedule'

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Tue Jun 2 11:16:11 EDT 2020

Please DO NOT open, click-on links, reply or forward email received today with subject: 'PAYROLL SCHEDULING'.  Rosemary reported it to 'abuse at' and it was determined to be phishing/spam email.  See instructions below in case you already opened as you may have malware on your machine, and contact ITaP immediately!

Thank you,

Lisa Stacey
Administrative Assistant to the Department Head
School of Materials Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
o: 765-494-4095   f: 765-494-1204

From: Son, Rosemary E <son39 at>
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2020 10:17 AM
To: Stacey, Lisa A <staceyl at>
Subject: Fw: [STEAM-CIRT #1467182] Thank you for your spam report to abuse

Another phishing email regarding Payroll Schedule.  Please warn others.

From: Purdue University STEAM-CIRT <abuse at<mailto:abuse at>>
Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 9:59 AM
To: Son, Rosemary E
Cc: abuse at<mailto:abuse at>
Subject: [STEAM-CIRT #1467182] Thank you for your spam report to abuse

Thank you for submitting a phishing report with the following Subject: Payroll Schedule. We have looked into this incident and have determined that it is phishing. If you or anyone you know clicked on the link, we suggest scanning the machine that was used for any malware and changing their password and challenge questions.

In addition to sending these reports to abuse at<mailto:abuse at>, you may also send them to is-spam at<mailto:is-spam at> so that the message can be added to the existing spam filters.

Ensure future spam/phishing e-mails are forwarded with full headers. If you don't know how to send full headers, please follow the instructions below:

If you have any questions regarding the authenticity of this message, please contact the ITaP Customer Service Center at 765 49-44000.


Thank you,
IT Security & Policy
Purdue University

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