msepostdoc-list Fwd: TMS 2020 - LGBTQ+ Friendly Dining, Mixer, and Info

Matthew N Korey mkorey at
Wed Jan 29 16:53:06 EST 2020

Hey MSE family,

TMS PRIDE is hosting yet another LGBTQ+ and Allies mixer at TMS 2020 (San Diego, CA).  All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

When: Sunday February 23, 2020; 8-10pm
Where: San Diego Convention Center Room 3

We usually have 100+ people attend the mixer at TMS.  As in the past, it is a photo-free zone so you do not have to worry about photos being taken of you.

Additionally, I am attaching a rough draft of our resources handout to anyone who will be traveling and concerned about going to LGBTQ+ friendly businesses.  This is also just a tremendous resource for just anyone looking for food within walking distance of the convention center.  I swear, y’all, I must have gone to Freshii 20 times when I was there for TMS a few years ago – IT IS SO GOOD.

I hope you all have a great day, and I’m looking forward to seeing many of you there (as always)!

Also - if you have any questions about attending TMS and other materials-friendly conferences (MRS, MS&T, ACerS, ACS, etc.) as an LGBTQ+ identified person, just reach out to me and I’d be happy to help.


Matthew Korey<>

National Science Foundation Graduate Research (GRFP) Fellow
Materials Engineering - Purdue University
Armstrong Hall - Room 2213
email: mkorey at<mailto:mkorey at>
Pronouns: He / Him / His

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