msepostdoc-list Seminar Notice for S. Crandel Fenton's Preliminary Exam. Thursday, Jan. 9, at 10:00, in ARMS 1021 " Glue, Thiourea, and Chloride Additives in the Copper Electrorefining Process"

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Thu Jan 2 11:56:50 EST 2020

Please consider attending the following:


"Glue, Thiourea, and Chloride Additives in the Copper Electrorefining Process"

S. Crandel Fenton
Purdue MSE Preliminary Exam

Advisor: Professor Matthew J. M. Krane


Electrorefining is a process used to extract high purity metals and remove impurities and unwanted contaminates. The basic equipment design is that a less pure anode is electrically connected to a plating cathode for the high purity deposition. Both are submerged in a cell containing continuous flowing electrolyte solution. The electrical current that is applied to the refining cell causes the degradation of the anode and the metal, in this case copper, is dissolved in the electrolyte solution and then plated on the cathode surface.[1] A part of the electrolyte that can vary throughout the industry are the use of additives. These additives serve to correct cathode production quality roughness and prevent contaminate, present in either the anode or the electrolyte solution, deposition. Insight into the effects of different combination of these additives can provide a higher quality production of pure copper cathodes. By creating these smooth dense cathodes, overall energy requirements, and costs of further processing can be minimized. Therefore control over additives and understanding the effects of varying concentration with respect to total concentration in the electrolyte, as well as in respect to each other, is required to optimize the electrorefining process.

Date: Thursday, January 9, 2020

Time: 10:00 A.M.
Place: ARMS 1021

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