msepostdoc-list FW: Prototype

Ku Blanco, Aury Y akublanc at
Tue Feb 4 08:33:36 EST 2020

Forwarding on behalf of student, below:

My name is Rahul Chidam, and I am an undergraduate here at Purdue. I am pursuing a start up revolving around eco friendly and biodegradable toys. As you guys may know plastic is a big problem in the world, and we are trying to make the world a better place. I wanted to do my part by changing toys. I am in need of assistance figuring out the right material that I can make my products out of. At the moment this start up is still in Phase 1, and I am trying to make a prototype. My vision of this prototype is to make a simple castle toy with mini characters as a start to see where this project can go. My goal for this project is to make viable toys that I am able to sell which represents eco friendly and biodegradable material which will also be safer for kids to play with. The benefits in helping with this project can be one step to a greater change in the world. As many new things are being released with recycled plastic and alternatives for this issue this is one place which can be changed. The cost and budget right now are uncertain because I am still in Phase 1 of this start up. My plan for this is I want to start and see if anyone can help me test viable material for this product and help me create a prototype by the end of March 2020. If everything works I want to move to Phase 2 and secure capital funding and start a business around this. If anyone can help aid me in this process it will be very helpful. Thank you for your time.

Rahul Chidam
rchidamb at<mailto:rchidamb at>

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