msepostdoc-list Office Coverage, Working from Home....

Stacey, Lisa A staceyl at
Mon Dec 7 10:51:43 EST 2020

Forwarding on behalf of Dave Bahr:


MSE Faculty, Staff, Post-Docs, and Graduate Students,

With finals week here we've made it through fall.  This is great news for all of us.  Our next step is from now until classes start in January.

During this time there will be more people taking time off for vacation during days the university is open, as well as days where the university is closed for break/holidays.  When coupled to rapidly rising local infection rates of the virus (just FYI, we are still getting daily notes about students and employees that need to quarantine, which doesn't mean there's a positive test but does mean they can't come on to campus) it's likely that our office and in person schedules will be more sporadic from now until Jan. 19th.  As has been the case all semester, when we can work from home we should; it reduces the likelihood of viral transmission.

With working from home sometimes it's hard to focus on work/life balance.  It's important to recognize that someone on vacation or using time off deserves to use that time off (they are not on call just because they are not in the office).  If you are taking time off please use the auto-reply function on your email so that someone expecting an answer knows to wait.  And if you are asking/expecting someone to be in the office/buildings for some reason, make sure to ask them before assuming they are coming in that day, and if they say they are working from home respect that answer without asking why they are working from home.   Lisa will be maintaining a schedule of who's in the office and who's working from home each day for the staff, but we aren't putting up a long term "in-out" schedule because unfortunately people may have to quarantine on short notice.

In summary, please make sure to (1) respect people's out of office messages; (2) don't assume someone is in the office/lab, and (3) do not expect that someone can come in if they are working from home nor ask why they are working from home.

Stay safe everyone.  We can get through this working together.


Lisa Stacey
Administrative Assistant to the Department Head
School of Materials Engineering
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
o: 765-494-4095   f: 765-494-1204

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