msepostdoc-list End of semester - building safety

Noerenberg, Catherine L cnoerenb at
Thu Dec 3 16:41:36 EST 2020

Subject: [msestaff-list] End of semester - building safety

At the end of any semester it is not uncommon to have an increase in possible theft activities in buildings.  This semester in particular, with less students, staff, and faculty in the buildings, the buildings are emptier than usual.

An individual has been recently seen wandering through ARMS and trying door handles (this is typical behavior tied to potential theft), and the potential for a confrontation with an individual that doesn’t belong in the building is possible.

If you see anyone that looks like they don’t belong on campus or behaving in an odd manner in the building you should feel comfortable calling the Purdue police 494-8221, the number is on the back of your ID.  If you are threatened or it’s an emergency call 911.  While this has currently been seen in ARMS, other buildings across campus are also likely targets and as such please remain aware no matter where you are working; currently the university buildings are open to the public from 7AM to 6  PM.

For the time being we will be keeping doors locked to the offices and office suites in MSE controlled spaces, and you should be aware of your surroundings when being in the building.  While the Purdue community is usually safe, times with low building density often to lead to problematic behavior.  Stay alert, if you see something say something, and where and when possible make sure other MSE’s know when you’re around.

We will distribute this information to the MSE graduate students and post-docs (Cathy, please forward) and MSE undergraduates who have lab/building access (Jenni please forward).

Stay safe, and hope the end of the semester goes well for everyone.

David Bahr
Head and Professor
School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University   dfbahr at<mailto:dfbahr at>

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