msepostdoc-list Fw: [Gradcontacts] CCO's professional development workshops for grad students

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Fri Aug 28 11:12:26 EDT 2020

Good morning, all

Hope you are staying as safe and well as possible. Request you to advertise the first three presentations in the CCO’s Fall 2020 Graduate Series to the grad students in your department. Postdocs are welcome to attend these workshops.

September 1 at 4:00 p.m. --- “So now what?! Professional and Career Development during a global pandemic”

Register online here:

Attend this Webex presentation to get an overview of professional and career development, and the job search process, and how it has changed over the past few months. Attendees will learn what employers are sharing with the CCO, discuss strategies to continue their skill development and professional growth, and participate in an AMA (Ask Me Anything) at the end of the presentation.

This presentation is part of Purdue CCO’s series for graduate students; postdocs are most welcome to attend. We hope these will provide an overview of core career skills, and encourage individuals to follow up with the CCO for one-on-one career planning.

September 2 at 4:00 p.m. --- “Personal Branding and Networking”

Register online here:

This Webex presentation will provide an introduction to how advanced degree seekers can develop and refine their professional brand, and how they can convey it via career tools like elevator pitches and LinkedIn summaries, and during career events like networking and informational interviews. There will be time at the end for audience questions.

This presentation is part of Purdue CCO’s series for graduate students; postdocs are most welcome to attend. We hope this series will provide an overview of core career skills, and encourage individuals to follow up with the CCO for one-on-one career planning.

September 3 at 4:00 p.m. --- “How to convert a CV into a resume” AKA “Grad student & postdoc resumes”

Register online here:

Attend this WebEx presentation to learn how to convert an academic CV into a resume for industry and nonprofit careers. If you already have a resume, this presentation will provide strategies to convey your advanced degree skills more effectively to employers.

This presentation is part of Purdue CCO’s series for graduate students; postdocs are most welcome to attend. We hope this series will provide an overview of core career skills, and encourage individuals to follow up with the CCO for one-on-one career planning.

Thank you for your help in advertising these to students!


[pronounced: umm-roo-taa]


Amruta Inamdar, PhD

she, her, hers

Senior Career Services Consultant

Purdue Center for Career Opportunities
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