msepostdoc-list FW: Trans & Non-Binary Employees and Workplace Harassment Webinar Today

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Tue Sep 17 09:14:23 EDT 2019

Hey everyone,

As many of you know, we have and have had members of our department who identify outside of the gender binary<>.  If you are interested in being a better ally to your friends and colleagues, please feel free to check out one of these webinars hosted by lawyers and experts in the legal field.  Also a reminder – if you ever feel alone or need to talk to someone at any time please know I am LGBT-identified and I am always here to help.  From the site: this webinar will clarify the legal rights and options that transgender and non-binary employees have when dealing with workplace harassment, including how to get help when harassment happens.

Event Information
Date: September 17 and 22nd
Time: 1-2:30pm EST
Link to Webinar:

Here are the learning outcomes from the website:

1.    identify what workplace harassment is and what legal rights transgender and non-binary employees have when dealing with it
2.    recognize workplace actions and conduct that are considered harassing because of gender identity or expression
3.    respond effectively to workplace harassment because of gender identity or expression
4.    advocate for enforcement of the right to work without harassment because of gender identity or expression, including getting free legal assistance and support from Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund

Your ally always,

Matthew Korey<>

National Science Foundation Graduate Research (GRFP) Fellow
Materials Engineering - Purdue University
Armstrong Hall - Room 2213
email: mkorey at<mailto:mkorey at>
Pronouns: He / Him / His

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