msepostdoc-list ARMS Office space

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Tue Sep 3 14:46:32 EDT 2019

Dear Students and Post Docs,

I am going to take inventory of the office space in ARMS.  If your office is not in ARMS, please do not respond.  For those who are, including Post Docs, please put a sticky note on the space you are using in the office.  If your name is not on the door, for graduate students, do not mark a space.  If you do not put a sticky note to indicate your space, I will assume that you are not using the space and assign it to someone else.  If you are out of town, please let me know.

I will be checking offices on Friday, Sept. 6.

For all incoming graduate students, if your advisor and lab is located outside ARMS, your office will be at that location.  Your advisor will help you get to the right person to assign space and key or location and key fob.  Please let me know.

For those of you who are not in ARMS, but need to use a space in ARMS, please use the computer lab ARMS 2114 as hot desk space.

School of Materials Engineering
Purdue University
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
701 West Stadium Ave. Room 2200
West Lafayette, IN 47907

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