msepostdoc-list Seminar Reminder for Jessica Lavorata's Prelim Exam

Son, Rosemary E son39 at
Wed Oct 30 09:01:38 EDT 2019

Please consider attending the following:


"Effects of Processing on the Morphology and Structure of Thermoplastic Polymer and Composite Systems"
Jessica Lavorata
Purdue MSE Preliminary Exam

Advisor: Professor Jan Anders Mansson


Polymer systems that withstand high-rate solidification experience dimensional instabilities that cause residual stresses, defects, and premature failure. The purpose of this paper is to present the major processing parameters that affect solidification and how these parameters control the material's morphology in both pure polymer and polymer-composite systems. During injection molding and extrusion, processing parameters such as cooling rate, pressure, thermo-mechanical, and thermo-rheological histories are presented and related to material properties such as crystallinity, modulus, and strength. The morphology and structure of polymers is also examined and correlated to processing conditions. The discussion continues by exploring how an understanding on polymer solidification can extend to the solidification behavior of fiber-reinforced composites. In these composites, defects such as voids, cracks, fiber buckling, and complete part distortion  which compromises the overall integrity of the final part  are reviewed and related back to the initial processing conditions.

Date: Thursday, October 31, 2019

Time: 12:30 P.M.
Place: IMI 127

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